We are open for Sunday morning worship services at 10:30 a.m. We encourage you to attend worship with us if you are comfortable in doing so. If you are not ready for in-person worship, we will still be broadcasting our services online. It's our desire that we worship in unity! We want you to follow your individual comfort level. We are happy to have you worship with us in-person or online.
Our Connect Groups are meeting on Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. While we are not offering our full slate of Connect Groups, there are groups offered for every age group.
Our Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer Service will be held in-person as well as streamed live every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. You can submit a prayer request through our online portal or by sending an email to: valwood@valwoodparkchurch.com
Our church leadership is continually meeting to review our policies and procedures to be sure we are offering a safe environment for worship and Bible study. Stay informed by subscribing to our Facebook page, email news feed, and checking our website. We're looking forward to opening our doors to further activities but are committed to doing so in a safe and timely manner. Please pray for our leadership as we continue to make these difficult decisions.
To view our streaming services, visit us at: www.youtube.com/valwoodparkbaptistchurch.
(We do encourage you to wear a face covering when attending worship)